Author: Roland Tanner
TRWA Application MEMSO Shell now supports audio and video files
Museum, library and archive data comes in many forms. We tend to think of books and manuscripts, or images of historical objects, but increasingly museums and archives also deal with audio and video files. These files might be of interviews for oral history, video of objects in action, or any manner of other reasons. TRWA…
Web developers and Dunning-Kruger syndrome
As this article lays out, programmers high opinion of their own skills, combined with lack of knowledge, can be a dangerous thing.
Gerald Grieve Landscape Group site launched
Some websites almost design themselves. When you have beautiful, professional, well-lit photographs, combined with stunning landscape design, the web developer’s task is admittedly a lot easier! Congratulations to Gerald Grieve Landscape Group on their new website created by TRWA. Their old website used small images embedded in obsolete Flash media, and was impossible for them to…
MEMSO Shell digital curation platform
Completing the MEMSO Shell project has been the primary concern of TRWA over the summer of 2016, involving countless hours of programming, testing and checking until we finally launched on September 1 2016. MEMSO Shell is a digital curation platform that allows the easy publishing and management of digital collections … with an optional sales…
Women in Scottish History (WISH) site
Launched today … a redesign, and lots of other improvements for the Women in Scottish History website. Take a look: We have been working with Prof. Elizabeth Ewan of the Department of History at the University of Guelph for approximately 8 years to build the WISH database. 2016 saw a major relaunch as we integrated…
The Joel Test and the Half a Loaf Principle
A pretty good summary of what’s required by a software development team. The Joel Test Do you use source control? Can you make a build in one step? Do you make daily builds? Do you have a bug database? Do you fix bugs before writing new code? Do you have an up-to-date schedule? Do you…
Fix WordPress dashboard display error in Chrome
An annoying bug causes the WordPress dashboard menu to be messed up in Chrome. See image to the left. This appears to be a Chrome/Webkit bug that Google are not in a rush to fix. To fix in your WordPress theme code, add the following to functions.php: function chromefix_inline_css(){ wp_add_inline_style( ‘wp-admin’, ‘#adminmenu { transform: translateZ(0);…
Problem with default WordPress robots.txt
A WordPress site we administer had the following automatically generated robots.txt file (in a fairly vanilla installation). User-agent: * Disallow: Disallow: /wp-admin Disallow: /wp-includes Disallow: /wp-login.php Disallow: /wp-content/plugins Disallow: /wp-content/cache Disallow: /wp-content/themes Disallow: /trackback Disallow: /comments Note the lines which block indexing of theme and plugins. This used to be fine, but with Google now…
Shibboleth (2.5), Apache 2.4 and breaking Apache Basic Auth
Shibboleth (Shib2) is widely used as an authentication method for UK universities to academic resources. For various reasons Shibboleth tends to be cumbersome to manage – at least compared with EZProxy, which is the standard method of remote authentication used by virtually all other parts of the world, and which requires almost zero work on…
Show broken images in Firefox
Firefox is probably still the most popular browser for web developers, even though Chrome and perhaps even Internet Explorer are now valid alternatives. That means the failure of Firefox to show the inevitable broken images that creep into websites in the same manner as IE always has, is particularly irritating. But there is a fix…