TannerRitchie Web Applications

Advanced Web Application Development in the GTHA

PHP ISBN 10 to ISBN 13 converter

This is a bit of code I wrote a few years ago. I couldn’t find any tool anywhere that would convert old-school ISBN 10s to the new ISBN 13, and check that the numbers have been entered correctly. Or rather, there are some online tools, but when you have hundreds of ISBNs to handle, cutting and pasting each one into a website isn’t very attractive.

The algorithm for ISBNs isn’t that complicated – it basically a simple number with a checksum for the final digit, so I came up with the following which can be used to create your own converter to do conversions in bulk, etc. It’s available for anyone that wants it. We’ve been using it in-house, and it’s been totally reliable, since ISBN 13s became ubiquitous. For Amazon, ISBN 10 is still a requirement when using the API to find books, so the need for ISBN 10s to be created from 13s is still alive and well.

	*	Function accepts either 12 or 13 digit number, and either provides or checks the validity of the 13th checksum digit
	*    Optionally converts to ISBN 10 as well.
	function isbn13checker($input, $convert = FALSE){
		$output = FALSE;
		if (strlen($input) < 12){
			$output = array('error'=>'ISBN too short.');
		if (strlen($input) > 13){
			$output = array('error'=>'ISBN too long.');
		if (!$output){
			$runningTotal = 0;
			$r = 1;
			$multiplier = 1;
			for ($i = 0; $i < 13 ; $i++){
				$nums[$r] = substr($input, $i, 1);
			$inputChecksum = array_pop($nums);
			foreach($nums as $key => $value){
				$runningTotal += $value * $multiplier;
				$multiplier = $multiplier == 3 ? 1 : 3;
			$div = $runningTotal / 10;
			$remainder = $runningTotal % 10;

			$checksum = $remainder == 0 ? 0 : 10 - substr($div, -1);

			$output = array('checksum'=>$checksum);
			$output['isbn13'] = substr($input, 0, 12) . $checksum;
			if ($convert){
				$output['isbn10'] = isbn13to10($output['isbn13']);
			if (is_numeric($inputChecksum) && $inputChecksum != $checksum){
				$output['error'] = 'Input checksum digit incorrect: ISBN not valid';
				$output['input_checksum'] = $inputChecksum;
		return $output;

	*	Function accepts either 10 or 9 digit number, and either provides or checks the validity of the 10th checksum digit
	*    Optionally converts to ISBN 13 as well.
	function isbn10checker($input, $convert = FALSE){
		$output = FALSE;
		if (strlen($input) < 9){
			$output = array('error'=>'ISBN too short.');
		if (strlen($input) > 10){
			$output = array('error'=>'ISBN too long.');
		if (!$output){
			$runningTotal = 0;
			$r = 1;
			$multiplier = 10;
			for ($i = 0; $i < 10 ; $i++){
				$nums[$r] = substr($input, $i, 1);
			$inputChecksum = array_pop($nums);
			foreach($nums as $key => $value){
				$runningTotal += $value * $multiplier;
				//echo $value . 'x' . $multiplier . ' + ';
				$multiplier --;
				if ($multiplier === 1){
			//echo ' = ' . $runningTotal;
			$remainder = $runningTotal % 11;
			$checksum = $remainder == 1 ? 'X' : 11 - $remainder;
			$checksum = $checksum == 11 ? 0 : $checksum;
			$output = array('checksum'=>$checksum);
			$output['isbn10'] = substr($input, 0, 9) . $checksum;
			if ($convert){
				$output['isbn13'] = isbn10to13($output['isbn10']);
			if ((is_numeric($inputChecksum) || $inputChecksum == 'X') && $inputChecksum != $checksum){
				$output['error'] = 'Input checksum digit incorrect: ISBN not valid';
				$output['input_checksum'] = $inputChecksum;
		return $output;

	function isbn10to13($isbn10){

		$isbnStem = strlen($isbn10) == 10 ? substr($isbn10, 0,9) : $isbn10;
		$isbn13data = isbn13checker('978' . $isbnStem);
		return $isbn13data['isbn13'];


	function isbn13to10($isbn13){

		$isbnStem = strlen($isbn13) == 13 ? substr($isbn13, 12) : $isbn13;
		$isbnStem = substr($isbn13, -10);
		$isbn10data = isbn10checker($isbnStem);
		return $isbn10data['isbn10'];